Funding 101 - Fundraising Resources for Founders

Fundraising Sucks! What You Can Do To Make It Better #12

Written by Jason Kirby | Feb 28, 2023 3:00:00 PM




Welcome to the Thunder Founder Newsletter Issue #12!

You can expect us to share a new topic every week relevant to scaling your company and successfully fundraising!

Finding the Right VC is Like Searching For a Needle in a Haystack

Most founders that start looking for venture funding start by looking for their VC with a simple Google search. But that quickly turns into a wild goose chase since many VCs are not easily found online, and the ones that are easily found are almost impossible reach (Lightspeed, Sequoia..). Finally, founders may find a large database of VCs in the US, but only to realize the list can be a few thousand entries long. How can they possibly filter through that list?

On the one hand, they may want to just email all the VCs on the list - the spray-and-pray approach. However, this rarely works since VCs rarely reply to generic cold emails and founders receive 10x the number of responses and emails with warm emails. The problem is that writing even 500 personalized emails would take way too long.

This is where Thunder steps in. Thunder uses an AI to match startups with their most likely investors, giving the founder both a manageable and targeted list of VCs, as well as providing a warm introduction to boost the response rate.

Jason Kirby, Thunder's Managing Director, is hosting an event to give all founders a sneak peek into what Premium Access has to offer for founders to streamline their fundraising and land 10x the meetings. At the event:

  1. Two randomly selected participants will have their matches unlocked.
  2. We will review their profiles and matches in real-time to show you the accuracy of our AI.
  3. You'll learn how the AI works and how to use it to secure meetings with investors.
  4. Receive fundraising tips on how to follow up with investors effectively.
  5. Q&A with Jason Kirby, who's raised $40M+

To attend, RSVP below and make sure your Thunder profile is updated before the event to increase the likeliness of having your profile unlocked. RSVP Here
If you're ready to raise capital and want to have a smoother process of finding YOUR investors, let us know and upgrade to Premium to unlock your targeted investor list of who will have a higher probability of investing.

What the Experts Have to Say

VCs: How To Get Their Interest And Their Capital
What first-time founders need to understand before trying to book a meeting with any VC that will let them. Read More

Finding venture capital: Why fit matters more than money

Once you've found a VC that is willing to write you a check, slow down to make sure you truly want their money. VCs need to fit the startup as well. Listen Here
How to Find a Venture Capitalist: The 5 Best Places
Want to meet a VC outside of an email chain, here are a number of ideas you could follow to meet VCs in a more natural way. Read More

Let's stay in touch:

Written by Jason Kirby -
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